Are You Ready For Your Kid’s Education?



Every parent has great hopes and dreams for his/her children, would you agree?  Parents want their kids to study in the best schools, maybe some of you event want your kids to either be a world-renowned professional or artist, own a chain of retail stores, etc.  This is why YOU as a parent aspire for the best education for your children.

If the cost of education remains the same, perhaps your current income can support quality education for your children as they grow.

But the challenge for most parents is not having enough savings to keep up with the rising cost of quality education.

Let me help you come up with a plan to fund your kid’s College Education while there is still time.



M: +639189652770 / +639153063253
FB/Wechat/IG: @RichFilipinoClub
Tw: @RichFilClub

Why Do You Need To Get A Life Insurance?

We all have different views about Life Insurance but is it really important to get one?  The answer is definitely a huge YES!

As we go through life’s stages we realize the importance of preparing for our future and the future of the people who matters.

Aside from ensuring that we save and invest our hard earned money in financial instruments that earns more than the current inflation rate we also have to have a Life Insurance no matter what you’re age is.

Getting a life insurance (depending on the type of policy you are getting) is fairly cheap which means there’s absolutely no excuse why you can’t get one!

Here are a few other reasons why having life insurance is so important.

1. Protect the People You Love

If people depend on you for financial support, then life insurance is a must!

Remember that you are getting an insurance not for you but for the people who depend on you.  Imagine how much trouble they will be at when they suddenly stop getting support from you.  Do you want that to happen to those you love?

This applies but not limited to parents of young children but also to couples who depends on each other financially to live comfortably.

2. Leave a Legacy

If you don’t have any asset to pass to your heirs, why not create an inheritance by getting a life insurance and naming them as your beneficiaries.  This is the cheapest and esiest way to set your kids up for a solid financial future and provide for any monetary needs that will arise long after you’re gone.

3. Pay Off Debts and Final Expenses

Aside from providing for the living expenses of your beneficiaries you also need to consider paying off any debts or loans after you’re gone.  Debts are such a burden, wouldn’t it feel good to know that after you’re gone your love ones are left with good memories. Do not leave them with emotional stress of paying off the debt and loans you’ve made.

4. Financial Security

Like most parents you probably want to know your kids will be well taken care of when you’re gone. You not only want them to get a quality college education, but to provide for other life ventures like getting married or starting a business. For this reason, additional coverage is absolutely essential while your kids are still at home.

5. Peace of Mind

No amount of money can ever replace a person. But more than anything, life insurance can help provide protection for the uncertainties in life. Without a doubt, having life insurance coverage will bring you and your family peace of mind. It’s one thing you can be sure of and no longer question if they’ll be taken care of when you’re gone.

None of us know when we’ll pass away. It could be today, tomorrow, or 50 years into the future, but it will happen eventually. Life insurance protects your heirs from the unknown and helps them through an otherwise difficult time of loss.

If you don’t have a life insurance yet and you would like to know your options, you may contact me through these channels:

M: +639189652770 / +639153063253
FB/Wechat/IG: @RichFilipinoClub
Tw: @RichFilClub

Photo courtesy of

What Legacy Are You Leaving Behind?



Whenever I talk to people I ask them when they would like to retire and enjoy the fruits of their labor.  I usually get mixed reactions and answers but one thing is common, almost everyone wants to retire as soon as possible.  We all want to be able to enjoy our lives and spend more time on people and things we love.  What are you doing to prepare for your retirement and what is the legacy you are leaving behind?

Here are some tips for a brighter future:

  • Spend less than what you earn.
  • Think about the future value of your money before spending it.
  • Invest your money in financial instruments that earn more than the inflation rate.

Want to know more?  You may reach me through these channels.

M: +639189652770 / +639153063253
FB/Wechat/IG: @RichFilipinoClub
Tw: @RichFilClub

photo credit: Sun Life Financial PH